Pre-commit Hook =============== If you'd like Prospector to be run automatically when making changes to files in your Git repository, you can install `pre-commit`_ and add the following text to your repositories' ``.pre-commit-config.yaml``:: repos: - repo: rev: 1.7.5 # The version of Prospector to use, if not 'master' for latest hooks: - id: prospector .. _pre-commit: Commandline Arguments --------------------- Some controls for prospector, especially surrounding how the output is displayed, are not :doc:`configurable from a profile `, only from the commandline. To add command-line arguments to the pre-commit hook config file:: repos: - repo: rev: 1.7.5 hooks: - id: prospector args: - --summary-only Optional Tools -------------- By default the configuration will only install :doc:`the base supported tools ` and not optional tools. If you also use optional tools, for example bandit or mypy, then you can add them to the hook configuration like so:: repos: - repo: rev: 1.7.5 hooks: - id: prospector additional_dependencies: - ".[with_mypy,with_bandit]" This is equivalent to running:: pip install prospector[with_bandit,with_mypy]